Deutschland Wappen Red S


CARL HUTER (1861-1912)

PGS Oktober 2007 TIMM

PGS. Physiognomische Psychologie Nr. 64. Schweiz-Zürich. Oktober 2007

 Knights Templar Y

700th anniversary of the Knights Templar


This secretive Catholic organisation had been officially disbanded in 1307 by Pope Clement V, who had accused them of being heretics and devil-worshippers; their leader, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake. This Saturday, October 13, marks the 700th anniversary of the day their persecution began: Friday October 13, 1307 


durch Körper-, Kopf- und Gesichtsausdruckskunde


[Selbstveredelung eines Huterfreundes vor ca. 90 Jahren]